
I created, studied, and taught holograms at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Concepts of light and optics can be difficult to understand, and we found that through play and applied learning (inherent to making art), we were able to become better holographers.

“Exquisite corpse hologram” - students independently made 3D models and then combined them to form a composition. We outsourced these to a holographic printer.

Each October, my class would throw a “Holoween” show. Students would display their work and engage a larger crowd in hologram talk.

Each October, my class would throw a “Holoween” show. Students would display their work and engage a larger crowd in hologram talk.

Students’ exquisite corpse hologram

Students’ exquisite corpse hologram

Students’ exquisite corpse hologram



Holograms are notoriously difficult to photograph — here is an attempt at my rainbow transmission “Absurd” hologram

Holograms are notoriously difficult to photograph — here is an attempt at my rainbow transmission “Absurd” hologram

Even “mistake” holograms can show light in fantastic ways.

Even “mistake” holograms can show light in fantastic ways.

Students did amazing multi-media works with holograms — here is a grid of holograms that expose themselves to light based on the rhythm of a song.

Student work from the Holoween show - showing the 3D prints that were used to shoot the featured holograms

Student work from the Holoween show - showing the 3D prints that were used to shoot the featured holograms

Student work

Student work

Student hologram sculpture

Student hologram sculpture

Low-quality photo of me as a hologram, made at The Ohio State University

Low-quality photo of me as a hologram, made at The Ohio State University

Holoween sign

Holoween sign